Processing Time
Reduce in
Increase in
Employee Performance
Get up and running in no time
With Cargosnap you are good to go fast and without the involvement of any IT support.
Integrate with tools you already use
Albert V.
Very good, saving at least 100K and manpower to defent
It helps to avoid cargo claims during handling of the commodity
Ana Hisano
Operations Supervisor, Suzano
With Cargosnap we are able to map out the entire inspection process, from production to shipping. We send reports on how the cargo is being handled in real time.
Paul Moorhouse
Operations Manager, Sea Cargo
Cargosnap helps us to identify when a damage has occurred and whom to claim responsibility.
Sergio Conceição
Operational Supervisor
After using Cargosnap, our team has reduced by 50% time spent on inspection tasks. The main outcome is the reduction of manual processes such as filling out documents and Excel spreadsheets.
Dominique B
Manager Process, Operations and Control
A lot of time has been saved by using CargoSnap due to the live connection between the app user and the dashboard user. As a result, business processes can be handled faster and therefore multiple business processes can be handled in the same time compared to before. Processing orders from A to Z has been simplified and made digital.
Rob C.
Head of Operations
CargoSnap is a very useful system for us, plug and play on our system, very user-friendly. for people working in logistics A PERFECT ADDITION to the process!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Absolutely great
Lee H.
National Operations Manager
CargoSnap has assisted us to give time stamps on unloading times, to be able to explain and help our customers understand the length of time the tasks we are completing for them take. On top of this a live constant feed of damages, and when work is completed. It really has made a significant difference and will continue to as we utilise this platform even more.
Get up and running fast. No waiting. No IT involved.