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Clearing the Operations Path: How Transparency Enhances Efficiency in Logistics and Cargo Inspections

Tara Hand • Jul 06, 2023

Transparency is a crucial factor in any business, and it holds even greater importance for logistics companies as smooth and successful operations depend on it. Think of logistics as a big puzzle, with the supply chain at its heart. 

This chain covers everything from planning and sourcing to production and delivery, linking suppliers to customers. Now, imagine if this entire process was transparent. Exciting, right? 

Supply chain transparency brings a world of benefits and has the potential to revolutionize how the industry operates. Let's dive in and discover the game-changing power of transparency for logistics companies.

Warehouse employees

Risk management

When it comes to cargo inspections, transparency can provide a unique opportunity to identify problems at their root. It can help us identify issues such as delays or damaged goods, allowing for corrective action and preventive actions to occur. In fact, according to research conducted by the Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 60% of procurement leaders recognize that a lack of transparency poses a risk to their businesses. 

By identifying issues as they happen, we can make the supply chain work better. This means we can streamline processes, improve routing and transportation, and make everything run more smoothly. With these insights, logistics companies can allocate resources better, reduce the costs of holding inventory, and enhance overall efficiency.

All this plays a large role in cargo damage claims, they can be legitimized or disputed when information is so clear and at hand.

Compliance and Regulatory Adherence

Sharing data is crucial for following rules and regulations. When logistic service providers (LSPs) disclose important data, they can keep track of inspections and create complete records of the entire process. 

Moreover, sharing information helps LSPs confirm that the cargo they handle meets the required quality, safety, and legal standards set by the jurisdiction. This proactive approach greatly reduces the chances of penalties and other consequences that may arise from violating regulations.

By carefully sharing detailed information, LSPs improve their ability to meet and exceed industry rules, creating a culture of compliance. When they strictly follow regulatory requirements, LSPs reduce risks, build a strong reputation, and show their dedication to operating within the law.

Collaborative Excellence

Transparency in shipping operations strengthens collaboration and nurtures partnerships. Instant accessibility to knowledge forms the basis of strong relationships, enabling partners to work together seamlessly, share resources, and optimize workflows. 

Having these specific details enables LSPs to compare themselves with industry standards and best practices. They are given a window into the same data,with  pictures to be viewed in real time which makes collaboration much easier. This helps them to set achievable targets and goals.

Establishing trust

When customers are given the opportunity to look into the work that is going on behind shipping operations they value the service all the more. 

Visibility is the foundation of trust, trust among customers, employees and investors. Your company's reputation can only gain positively from this; you are seen as more reputable and reliable by operating with openness and honesty. 

, a world leader in cellulose production, is an example of a company that has  revolutionized its operations through transparent processes. Prior to this the company dealt with a number of cargo damage claims, they did not have a method so as to track its cause. 

By adopting systems that highlight the supply chain in action Suzano were able to map out damages which made it possible to understand where they came from and to prevent them further. 

Additionally they began digital inspection which can be shared in real time, this led to end-to-end cargo inspection visibility. The result was considerable, an 81% reduction in damage to their product and elimination of customer complaints.

Additionally they began digital inspection which can be shared in real time, this led to end-to-end cargo inspection visibility. The result was considerable, an 81% reduction in damage to their product and elimination of customer complaints.

Visual of cargo on mobile device

Accelerating Collaboration

Instant access to knowledge is crucial for collaboration and building strong relationships. It allows partners to work together seamlessly, share resources, improve workflows, and achieve common goals more effectively. When there is visibility into operations and the ability to share visual evidence, it opens up a clear channel of communication.

Empowering success

Supply chain transparency has become a growing expectation among customers, employees, and investors. Today information accessibility is seen as part of ethical and responsible business practices. 

The importance of visibility in logistics operations cannot be emphasized enough; it is a vital ingredient for success in the industry. It is essential that companies embrace it or else they risk limiting their capabilities and losing their status in this competitive industry.

By fostering transparency, companies can build trust, improve collaboration, and drive continuous improvement, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve and thrive in an ever-evolving logistics landscape. 

New technologies like Cargosnap are making it easier to keep track of your supply chain. With this digital solution you can monitor and document your cargo inspections and logistics operations in real-time. This helps you see exactly what's happening at each step and ensures transparency throughout your supply chain.

Curious to know more about how transparency can improve your cross-docking operations? Read about it here

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